Garbage Day Mat

Today is FRIDAY, which means we stand by the front door and wait to hear the garbage truck coming down our street so that we can run out and wave. This is a weekly thing for us, but I know for some little guys out there it's something they talk about and look forward to on a daily basis! This play mat is for them!

Nora has some dollhouse ones (I'll share soon) that we use for doctors appointments and meetings that she comes to, but I made this one with some boys in mind. Of course when I had her test it out she played with it all morning. I just crinkled up some old magazines (thanks to seeing this done by my sister Lindsay for her son), got some of her wooden people, and grabbed her two trucks she made at Home Depot Kids Workshops, and she went to town!

These mats are great to pack for quiet, independent play,... when you don't have a ton of space and you need some peace and quiet.
